Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to counter KARTHUS "The Deathsinger"

 KARTHUS willingly gave up his mortality to shadow isle to embrace undeath and in the process was twisted in a powerful lich, today he drift through Runtera offering a eternal unlife to the living masses. 

In game Karthus is a solo lane mage or a jungler capable of dealing devastating Area of Effect (AoE) damage to his surrounding enemies before unleashing his iconic ultimate ability on opponents near or far.

The Question is, How will you stop Karthus on dealing devastating Area of Effect (AoE) damage on your team? And his Iconic ultimate ability, how will you avoid it? I suggest to pick a champion that has an ability to assassinate Karthus in a blink on an eye, and to avoid his iconic ult ability I suggest to Zhonya's Hourglass to make you invulnerable in a few seconds.

So, Here are the champions I suggest.

First is KATARINA "The Sinister Blade"

Second is FIZZ "The Tidal Trickster"

Third is Lux "The Lady of Luminosity"

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter KARTHUS at Mid lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: SOON !!!

How to Counter TWITCH "The Plague Rat"

TWITCH is a ranged physical carry who relies on inflicting deadly venom on his foes and using that venom them down. Whether opening the game as a jungler or more typical ranged carry, Twitch takes over a game baiting his time before assassinating choice targets or unleashing on an entire enemy team. 

The Question is, How will stop Twitch from unleashing his venom on your team?
Think of a support champion that can immobilize Twitch, a champion that can BLOCK his basic attacks, a champion that has high mobility performance or a champion that can assassin Twitch in a blink of an eye.

So here are the champion I suggest.

First champion is LEONA "The Radiant Dawn" (Support Champion)

Second Champion is BRAUM "The Heart of the Freljord" (Support Champion)

Third Champion is LUCIAN "The Purifier"(a High mobility Marksman)

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter TWITCH at bottom lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Fizz "The Tidal Trickster" 

How to Counter RENGAR "The Pridestalker"

RENGAR is a melee assassin, fighter and a jungler utilizing his unique ferocity mechanic, He can amplifies his abilities to take down single foes or hold the frontline.

 He has a unique item called the "Bonetooth Necklace", Rengar collects trophies when killing champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Rengar gains one Trophy whenever he scores a kill or assist. But there's a scenario that if there is a Kha'zix in the enemy team. There's a Primary Quest for both Rengar and Kha'zix called "The Hunt is ON", Rengar and Kha'zix will hunt each other in the game, When Rengar killed Kha'zix? Hin unique item Bonetooth Necklace will change into "Kha'zix Head"(Rengar's Trophy for killing Kha'zix making him the ultimate HUNTER in the League). When Kha'zix killed Rengar? Kha'zix will receive his fourth evolution (His Reward for killing Rengar).

Okay move on to the real topic.
The Question is, How will you counter rengar? NO particular champion can counter Rengar, just pick a Fighter champion or a super tank champion to be able to last longer when Rengar attack you. And here's my tips, go out or go far away in bushes in the Field of Justice!. If you;re a LoL player, no need to explain that? RIGHT?. 

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter RENGAR at top lane or in jungle. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Jax "The Grandmaster at Arms"

How to counter KHA'ZIX "The Voidreaver"

KHA'ZIX is a melee assassin who utilizes quick movements and invisibility to take down his foes. In addition Kha'zix actually evolves over the course of the match, upgrading his abilities with new features. Whenever Kha'zix learns a new rank form his ultimate ability, he can evolve himself adding the unique effect to any of his four active abilities. Note that you can only rank up your ultimate ability three times per game, you can only evolve three of his four abilities each game. But there's a scenario where you can evolve your fourth ability, when there is RENGAR "The Pridestalker" at the enemy team (Because in the story they are ultimate hunter rivals).

The question is, How will you counter Kha'zix? How defeat him in solo top or in jungle?
First, think that Kha'zix is a squishy champion (easy to kill) and he has an ability to get invisible. So I suggest to pick a champion that has an ability to see invisible unit or a champion that can assassin Kha'zix in a blink of an eye, or a tanky champion at the same time strong at laning phase.

So, Here are the champion I think Kha'zix will crumble.

First is LEE SIN "The Blind Monk" his abilities can see invisible unit and also he strong at laning phase.

Second is VOLIBEAR "The Thunder's Roar" a super tank champion that has an ability to exert damage base on the missing health of his target.

Third is Master Yi "The Wuju Bladesman", I think this champion will definitely assassin Kha'zin in a blink of an eye.

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter KHA'ZIX at top lane or in the jungle. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Rengar "The Pridestalker"

How to Counter GAREN "The Might of Demacia"

GAREN is melee fighter and the most respective warrior of demacia's fighting elite. With zero cost abilities, Garen has a highly aggressive play style and can execute key opponents where boldly holding the front line in the battle. With his foundation of resistances and regeneration, Garen makes a formitable solo laner.

The Question is, How will you destroy his armor and stop the massive damage of his ult ability?
Think of a champion that is also a tank fighter, a champ you think Garen's Match when it come in laning phase at solo top, and a ITEM that can absorb magic damage (Because his ult is a magic damage ability).

So, Here are the champion I think is the match or can counter Garen and the ITEM can definitely absorb the almost half magic damage of his ult.

First Champion is JAX "The Grandmaster at Arms"

Second Champion is VOLIBEAR " The Thunder's Roar"

Third Champion is RENEKTON "The Butcher of the Sands"

Last is the counter ITEM of Garen's ult ability

The HEXEDRINKER(Primary) or the MAW of  MALMORTOUS(Full Item)

This Item has an ability to give a magic shield that absorb magic damage.

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter GAREN at top lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Kha'Zix "The Voidreaver"

How to Counter FIORA "The Grand Duelist"

FIORA is a melee fighter, duelist and carry, adebted navigating through combat, dealing with counter attacks from her foes and tons of damage to specific targets. A properly played Fiora will dominated her opponents with almost no chance for ecsape.

The Question is, How will you stop Fiora form dominating? What tactic would you do to stop her? 
Pick a champion that has an ability to be untargetable and has a STUN, SNARE or KNOCK AIRBORNE ability champion, or Item that has an invulnerability ability.
Who are the champions should you pick? Here are my suggestions of champion and item that I think It's effective to counter Fiora.
First is VLADIMIR "The Crimson Reaper"
Second is Elise "The Spider Queen"
Third is ALISTAR "The Minotaur"

And the Last is the ITEM:

Zhonya's Hourglass

This item will make you invulnerable in a few second, but not able to some actions.

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to get chase or counter FIORA at top lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Garen "The Might of Demacia"

How to Counter MASTER YI "The Wuju Bladesman"

MASTER YI is incredibly noble assassin who excels in the jungle and solo lanes. The last practitioner of the mystical Wuju Style, he is able to quickly dish out tons of damage while carefully using his ability to dodge hard hitting attacks and avoid focus fire.

Question is, How will stop Master Yi to exert tons of damage? Stop his assassination coming from his basic attacks, especially when it critically hits.
So think of a champion that has an ability that directly hits a champion and has a immobilize effect. Or in the other hand, make him highly mobilize but OFFENSE-LESS.

Here are the champion I THINK can counter Master Yi.

First is TEEMO "The Swift Scout" I think Teemo's BLIND will make Master Yi Offense-less in team fight and His MUSHROOM BOMB for exertion of tons of damage on Master Yi.

Second is LULU "The Fae Sorceress" I think Lulu's POLYMORPH will make Master Offense-less in team fights.

And the Champion that have and ability to immobilize Master Yi in Team fight (So many to mention them)

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to get chase or counter MASTER YI at top lane or in the jungle. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Fiora "The Grand Duelist"

How to Counter LUCIAN "The Purifier"

LUCIAN is high mobility marksman who wields powerful relic weapon on vengeful crusade to free his wife SPERIA from Thresh's Lantern. A fast aggressive champion, Lucian flexibility makes him a formidable opponent in even solo or duo lanes.

How will you counter LUCIAN?
Don't think a champion that is also a marksman to counter Lucian, Instead think of a support champion that has an ability to immobilize Lucian and can defend your marksman.

Who are the support champion that is capable to counter Lucian?

First is BRAUM "The Heart of the Freljord" a very tanky support champion best pick to counter Lucian.

Leona "The Radiant Dawn" also a good support champion to immobilize Lucian.

Thresh "The Chain Warden" This support champion can give all you need to defeat Lucian.

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter LUCIAN at the bottom lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Master YI "The Wuju Bladesman"

How to counter YASUO "The Unforgiven"

YASUO is a melee fighter on the hunt for his elder's killer, the only swordsman in his generation to a perfected a legendary wind technique, yasuo directs the currents themselves to dash the enemy frontline and nullified ranged threats with zero cost abilities and extremely  low cooldowns, yasuo thrives in extended team fights. He relies on his high mobility to engage to shred his enemies.

How will you counter YASUO? I suggest use a super tank champ, champ that is strong at laning phase and a assassin champion that will kill yasuo in a blink of an eye.

Who are the champions I'm talking about?

Here are the Super Tank Champs:

GAREN "The Might of Deamcia"

VOLIBEAR "The Thunder's Roar"

Champion That is Strong at laning phase:

DARIUS "The Hand of Noxus"

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champion you want to chase or counter YASUO at mid or in top lane. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: LUCIAN "The Purifier"

How to Counter DARIUS "The Hand of Noxus"

Darius is melee fighter who seeks his targets, drops their health from bleeds and finally executes them for a kill. If you like getting think of it? Get a major source of pain? take spin with DARIUS.

Darius is Very Strong at top lane, one of the most strongest top lane champs(I think so). You will get mad on him in early game, because even if it's early game? his skills is so strong making you easy to kill (if you champ is squishy type champ) and can't go near on him.

So, The question is? How will you counter Darius?. 
I suggest to counter darius, pick a champion that also strong at one versus one laning phase at the top lane, or a champ that is ranged type at the same time a solo top champ also, or a super tank champion, so you can resist on darius's massive damage.

Another Question is?, What champ should fit to counter Darius at the top lane?.
Here are the champions I suggest (I think) that can counter darius at top lane...

First is PANTHEON "The Artisan of War" also a Strong champ in laning phase 

Second is VOLIBEAR "The Thunder's Roar" a Super Tank Champ, I think Darius will crumble when you him.

Last is GNAR "The Missing Link" a ranged type champ and also lanes at solo top.

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to get chase or counter DARIUS at solo top lane. (It depends on your gameplay).

Next to counter: YASUO "The Unforgiven"

Friday, August 22, 2014

How to counter KATARINA "The Sinister Blade" in Mid lane

Katarina is a melee, mage and assassin who excels purely dealing as much damage as possible and taking out your entire enemy teams. Katarina specializes in cleaning house in the end of the battle, as enemy champions fall?, she can casts her abilities again.

Now!, Let's talk about her abilities.

Katarina's passive ability is VEROCITY
Scoring a kill or assist will reduce the cooldown of Katarina's abilities by 15 seconds.

 Katarina's first ability is Bouncing Blades
Active: Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing magic damage and marking each enemy hit for 4 seconds. Bouncing Blades hits a total of 5 unique targets (4 bounces), each striking the closest next target. Each subsequent hit deals 10% less damage.

Striking a marked target with an ability or basic attack will consume the mark on the target and deal additional magic damage.

 Katarina's second ability is Sinister Steel
Active: Katarina whirls her daggers, instantly dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. If she damages an enemy champion, she gains movement speed for 1 second.

 Katarina's third ability is Shunpo
Active: Katarina teleports to target unit and gains 15% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds. If the target is an enemy, the target takes magic damage.

Katarina's ultimate(ult) ability is Death Lotus
Active: Katarina rapidly spins in place and channels for 2.5 seconds, throwing a barrage of up to 30 daggers at the closest 3 enemy champions within range. Each dagger deals magic damage and applies Griveous Wounds for 3 seconds, reducing regeneration and incoming healing by 50%.

Death Lotus can hit a single enemy champion no more than 10 times.

Question is, how will you counter Katarina? how will you stop katarina by killing you and your team so fast like a in a blink of an eye?.

Think about her Ult, Her ult is so strong specially when you got combo with her other skill (that's purely damage she can exert). The Logic is? you need to stop katarina by channeling her ult, in short IMMOBILIZED her.

Immobilize: to keep (something or someone) from moving or working : to make (something or someone) immobile such as STUN, SNARE, KNOCKED AIRBORNE, KNOCKED BACK, FEAR and SILENCE. 

So you need to pick some champions that have this ablities.

here are my top 3 champions I think it's effective to counter Katarina and defeat her in mid lane (because katarina is usually laning at mid lane).

1st is FIDDLE STICKS "The harbinger of doom"

By using his TERRIFY (His first ability) Katarina will not able to take some actions, instead she's feared. So when katarina use her ult to you? terrify her immediately. When she is on fear, that's the time you can use your other skill and kill her.

2nd is Syndra "The dark sovereign"

By using her Skater the weak (her third ability)  you will be able to knock her away (knockback). So when katarina use her ult? knock her away, so her ult is useless and have an advantage on long distance chasing (Syndra is long range MAGE).

3rd is Diana "The Scorn of the moon"

By using diana's third ability (moonfall) you will be able to draw katarina at your side. So when katarina use her ult? use moonfall to stop her ult, at the same time you have the advantage to kill her immediately because that's the specialty of diana (close range fights).

Note: This is only TIPS (suggestions) of me, you can use any champion to defeat katarina. Because in the end of the day, it depends on how will you use that champion to defeat katarina.

Next champion to counter: Darius "The Hand of Noxus"