Friday, September 5, 2014

How to Counter ZAC "The Secret Weapon"

ZAC is slippery melee disrupted tank who excels in jungle and solo lanes. As a health based caster, Zac expensive portion of his current health to cast abilities. His kit allows him to dives head first into a fight and lock down priority targets, while soaking up damage for his teammates.

The question is, How will you stop this slippery super tank champion? Try to seek some champions that has health base damage ability or an item that also have an health base damage (or both to make it so powerful). The item I was talking about is "Blade of the Ruined King" that has an ability to exert damage based on the health of target champion.

So Here are the champion I think it's better to counter Zac.

First is VAYNE "The Night Hunter"

Second is Vi "The Piltover Enforcer"

Third is SEJUANI "The Winter's Wrath"


So here are the champions I think it's effective to defeat that Slippery Tank.
NOTE: Only a suggestion, you can use all the champions you want or to counter Zac at the solo lane or in the jungle. (It depends on your game skills and your game style.)
Next champion to counter. GNAR "The Missing Link"

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