Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to Counter RENGAR "The Pridestalker"

RENGAR is a melee assassin, fighter and a jungler utilizing his unique ferocity mechanic, He can amplifies his abilities to take down single foes or hold the frontline.

 He has a unique item called the "Bonetooth Necklace", Rengar collects trophies when killing champions and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Rengar gains one Trophy whenever he scores a kill or assist. But there's a scenario that if there is a Kha'zix in the enemy team. There's a Primary Quest for both Rengar and Kha'zix called "The Hunt is ON", Rengar and Kha'zix will hunt each other in the game, When Rengar killed Kha'zix? Hin unique item Bonetooth Necklace will change into "Kha'zix Head"(Rengar's Trophy for killing Kha'zix making him the ultimate HUNTER in the League). When Kha'zix killed Rengar? Kha'zix will receive his fourth evolution (His Reward for killing Rengar).

Okay move on to the real topic.
The Question is, How will you counter rengar? NO particular champion can counter Rengar, just pick a Fighter champion or a super tank champion to be able to last longer when Rengar attack you. And here's my tips, go out or go far away in bushes in the Field of Justice!. If you;re a LoL player, no need to explain that? RIGHT?. 

Note: Suggestion only, you can use all the champions you want to chase or counter RENGAR at top lane or in jungle. (It depends on your gameplay).
Next to counter: Jax "The Grandmaster at Arms"

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